Beauty and the Beast: Tale as old as time…Not exactly a review :-)

While watching Belle and the beast, I felt my fractured heart splinter into a million pieces and then slowly come back together in a shifting kaleidoscope till everything righted itself. What can I say except that it was so worth the wait. It is a sensory extravaganza and every little detail that has gone into the movie enhances the grandeur.

From the costumes to the expressions on the teapot, you will marvel at the finesse and be touched by the elegance. Belle’s enchanting yellow-gold gown and all the costumes got me googling and it is no surprise the kind of detailing and commitment to the costume and accessories is what makes it stand out. If you want to read about it, click here.

Lumiere and Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts have been “animated” yes, but they are more alive than many of us. I salute the artistry and the vision of team Beauty and the Beast. The song where Lumiere invites Belle to be their guest deserves a separate Oscar of its own. It is incredibly moving and a visual treat like no other. The age old waltz will cast a spell on you and the magic will never fail to move you.

One can’t exactly call it a children’s movie because I don’t know whether kids can fully wrap their head around the idea of an ideal love story. The movie plays to every fantasy every bookworm ever nurtured about romance. And if every hero needs a great villain, this Gaston is as vain and as vile as they come. What a performance! Watch it with your girl friends and oooh and aaah over the spectacular spread. As I saw the beast turn into Prince Charming, I couldn’t help remember Shrek and the transformation of a different sort. I realise all over again why that love story is so much more relevant and why little girls need to snap out of the Disney princess’ fantasy. But, for every girl/woman who was in love with the idea of being in love this tale is way to relive those moments 🙂

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Mss says:

    Thanks for an enticing review. Will definitely watch it.


    1. Swapna C says:

      Glad you liked it 🙂 Hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did 🙂


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